Not A Very Merry Month of May!
Not A Very Merry Month of May!

Not A Very Merry Month of May!

We have not experienced “the very merry month of May” unfortunately at la gare de Sos so we are sorry that we can’t bring you a newsletter this month.  Tracey is one-finger-left-hand typing, very slowly, whilst experiencing Tramadol induced dizziness, following an accident and surgery last Friday (28 May) on a fractured right wrist; not just a nice clean snap either that could be set in plaster, but a horrid displaced fracture that involved 2 hours under the knife at Auch Trauma Hospital – owch indeed!

We started the month so positively, welcoming a work colleague of Lee’s and then Tracey’s sister to a right sunny gare de Sos – all had wonderful weather and it was great for us to take some time out of chores to relax, chat & show off our station and region.  Then, in the slip of a wet foot, Tracey went and spoiled it all.  Bear with us!

Here’s a few photos taken in May before it all went wrong (yes, I’m feeling very sorry for myself)